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Myndfulness Matters provides

 Professional • Reliable • Health and Wellness Oriented

Classes, Mentorship, and Support to People of All Ages
Children Embracing in Circle
Children Reading the Holy Bible
Happy Children
Kids Blowing Bubbles


Research shows that children who receive mindfulness mentorship are more likely to be aware of their emotions and responses.



Myndfulness Matters helps children:



  • Regulate their emotions

  • Focus and maintain attention

  • Learn empathy and kindness

  • Learn how to respond vs react 

  • Manage stress, anxiety, and feel an increase in overall quality of life.


Myndfulness Matters provides a positive learning environment that can be easily recreated at home when mindfulness strategies are implemented.


Myndfulness Matters strategies include:



  • Breathing Techniques

  • Creating Unique "Tool Kits" 

  • Seeing these strategies play out through books written by Myndfulness Matters Coach Debbie Chamberlain


When all members of the family embrace mindfulness, it can positively impact their thoughts, feelings and interactions.



Myndfulness Matters promotes:



  • Activities for the entire family to try at home

  • Group programs for children

  • Events designed to help caregivers experience moments of mindfulness

The Mentor Behind Myndfulness Matters
mindful web logo
mindful web logo
Debbie Chamberlain

Debbie Chamberlain

Published Author, Certified Teacher and  Mindfulness Coach

Hello and Welcome to Myndfulness Matters! 

It is my mission to empower the East Valley and Online community with tools and strategies to help children, teens, and adults, manage stress and regulate their emotions. My goal is to teach these life skills in a comfortable, supportive, and professional environment, while providing affordable services to people of all ages. To learn more about me, click the "About Me" button below!


Debbie shares information on the following: 
brain image

How Our

Brain Works

human on a yoga pose

Mindful Body/Movement

puzzle piece

Identifying Emotions


Kindness & Generosity

light bulb

Emotional Awareness

tool box

MY Tools (Strategies)


What is Mindfulness?



for Self

twin hearts



three human silhouette


for Others


Mindful Breathing

hand with a pen


Test Taking

Debbie is a self-published author and is available for speaking engagements! 

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for more free content, tips, and advice on mindfulness!
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mindful tips and events!
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